Terre Sabine’s plums: genuine and tasty

When we try to describe Terre Sabine’s fresh plums we only need these two adjectives: “genuine” and “tasty”. So are the plums we bring to the best Italian supermarkets, to make your diet healthy and delicious. Taste them and you’ll feel nature fillyour palate.

We grow our plums in the orchards of Sabina, a fertile land on beautiful hills, the paradise of fresh fruit. Put our plums on your table to bring a corner of this paradise in your house. This is our biggest passion: making you feel the same sensations you would feel if you were picking plums in this beautiful countryside.

That’s why all Terre Sabine’s fruits reach the supermarkets within 24 hours from picking: to make sure the fruit you eat is truly delicious, fresh and full of vitamins and minerals.

Come and see our brand in the best italian supermarkets or order it online: our genuine, tasty, fresh plums are waiting just for you.

Our plum’s varieties

The plum trees we grow at Terre Sabine bear the following plum varieties:

Black Plums: Black Star, Fortuna, Friar, Angeleno;

White Plums: T.C. Sun

How weprocess fresh plums

We pick our fresh plums during summer (between July and September: different varieties ripen at different times). Once they’ve reached the ideal ripeness and sugar level, plums are brought to our company.

We then make a rigorous selection of the best fruits, thanks to the help of state of the art machinery and to the skills of our staff: after getting rid of microbs with a process called “ozonation”, plums are checked, one by one, by an infrared system. Only fruits complying to our qualitative standards will reach the supermarkets: you can be sure you’re buying excellent, juicy fruits. When you need a change try Terre Sabine’s plum jams: they’re 100% natural, because they’re made following our traditional recipe, using only fresh fruits and sugar.

All the benefits of plums

Plums are a gift from nature: if you taste season, fresh plums, like the ones Terre Sabine brings to your house, you will enjoy all the benefits of this fruit. They contain calcium, magnesium, potassium and phosphorus, but also the vitamins our body needs to keep fit and healthy: A, B1, B2 and C.

Plums are famous for having a laxative property, but they can give you many other benefits: they can help your skin stay young and fresh, because their antioxidant properties help fight free radicals; they fight water retention; they have antiviral, antibacterial and detoxifying properties.

Did we persuade you to buy your full supply of plums? When summer comes, go to your supermarket and look for Terre Sabine’s plums.

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